Tuesday 15 December 2015

Contents Page

I have created my contents page for my music magazine using In Design. I designed it using my plan, as well as using elements from the two real contents page examples that I found. Below is my first draft.

Contents page first draft
I used the same models, but different photos for this page. For example, the largest photo has the model sitting down rather than standing, and the photo below that has the models facing the camera so that you can see their faces. The second photo is also edited differently (it is in colour, not black & white). The model in the smaller photo in the corner has the model looking up rather than down. The colour scheme of the photo keeps with the house style of red, blue, white and black. The typeface used is also on the front cover, which again contributes to this. The main articles (or features) are shown down the right side of the page, as I have seen done in many rock music magazines. The title of the page uses a simple banner, using a larger font to draw attention.

Contents page second draft

After reviewing my first draft again, I decided to make some changes. Firstly, I added a white stroke to the title and the feature titles. This helps them stand out better and not get lost in their dark backgrounds. I also changed the second photo for a photo I took on a different shoot that didn't get used. I edited this photo with warmer colours, and gave it a pale purple/blue background. This gives the page a wider range of photography and brightens up the page. I added a grey backing to both of the larger photos in order to help them stand out better to the reader against the white background. 

Contents page final draft
In my final draft I have added a grey backing to the photos in order to keep the same theme for all of them. I have also added page numbers and titles to the photos to show the reader which articles they are linked to. I used the same size, font and stroke so that the article titles match the others. I have added a short description to go with them at the top left corner of the pictures. This gives the readers a brief idea of what the article will be about and persuades them to read it. I have performed a photo shoot with another model on location in order to provide more images so that there is a larger variety, which I have placed in the larger photo space. As well as this, I have included a photo of myself as the editor. This version has smaller articles to make room for more, which helps to reinforce the idea that my magazine is packed full of articles. 

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