Monday 23 November 2015

Double Page Spread

I have experimented with several different techniques in order to design my double page spread article. Below is my first double page spread draft. I created this in In Design, using a bold font for the headline in order to grab the reader's attention and keep in line with the rock genre. The colours I used are red, black and white. This is the colour scheme I plan to use through out my magazine. The image is black and white, taking inspiration from rock music photographer, Amy Barwell.
First Draft

In order to create my second draft I made some changes to my first. The most noticeable change I made was adding a new photo to the bottom right of the column using text wrapping to shape the text around the image. I also used a smaller typeface in order to keep with the professional appearance of my magazine, and spaced the title out more. The image has also been further edited to create a darker shadow across the models.

Second Draft
I was unhappy with this design because of the way the second page looked too spaced out and empty. In my third draft I moved the text to create a diagonal step appearance that gave a more interesting appeal to the article. I also added a faded letter 'L' for the band 'Leitmotif' featured in my article. The faded swirl that was under my title was replaced with a more professional looking divider that I thought fit in well with the page's overall look.

Third Draft
I made a few more finishing touches to the headline to create my fourth and final draft that I am happy with. I added a stroke in order to make it stand out better. I also changed the colour of the word music in order to help it further stand out against the rest of the page. I am happy with this design because I think it fits the genre well and the images and colour scheme follow a pattern that I will continue to use through out my magazine to create a brand. I also added a caption to the photo to provide meaning, and a page number and small 'Reuqiem' logo to maintain the house style.

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