Tuesday 6 October 2015


My completed student magazine front cover
 Above is my final front cover, including my photo that I enhanced in Photoshop. I designed it using the front cover examples that I researched as well as my mock up version as a guide. I used a colour scheme of purple and white because purple is the college colours and will be instantly recognisable to students. The medium close up that I used is appropriate for the cover because it gives a full view of the model whilst still leaving space for the title and articles. The colours of the models hair work well with the orange and red tones in the background of the photo, creating a theme. The depth of focus makes the model stand out against the unfocused background. The vocabulary I used will appeal to the young audience because it is laid back, but doesn't use slang which would cheapen the look of the cover.
My completed student magazine contents page
This is my final contents page that I created using In Design. I designed it using the contents page examples that I researched and analysed, and my mock up version as a guide. I kept the colour theme of purple to reinforce the brand of the magazine. I also started to use black as a third colour in order to give it more of an edge than the cover. The use of the photos give a preview of the articles that would be inside which could help to pull the reader in and make them want to read on. The use of exclamatives helps to make the articles look exciting and enticing to the reader.

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